
Search the Bible and Taggloo Library

Taggloo has previously been updated to include results from selected books held in the Taggloo Library in translation results. Whilst this was useful, Taggloo now goes a step further in search. You can now search a Book within the Taggloo Library using the search-form at the top-right of each page. This allows you to discover…

Translate and search the Taggloo Library (and The Manx Gaelic Bible)

There is a wealth of Manx Gaelic literature available for access both on paper and on the web. Taggloo launched a Library service last year, with what is possibly the best starting point for any library, The Bible. The Bible is a time capsule, showing us how the language was used when it was the…

Increased browser compatibility, more media and a new API

Taggloo hasn’t had much visible changes lately, but eagle-eyed users will have noticed that the build date has been changing. As promised, moving Taggloo to the Microsoft Azure platform enables much more rapid and regular changes, not all of which are obvious. Microsoft Edge support Keener users will no doubt have started experimenting with Microsoft’s…

Some changes for Taggloo

Taggloo is slowly but surely growing in popularity and this brings greater demands on the software and demands on its maintenance. You could say the problem with launching a web site is that people will start using it! Alongside this my own time is curbed somewhat due to study obligations so time spent on Taggloo’s…


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Taggloo (Manx for “talk”) is an online database and translation tool for Manx Gaelic.

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